Masta-100 (Drostanolone Propionate)

ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Drostanolone propionate – 100mg.
COMPOSITION: Each 1 ml contains 100 mg of drostanolone propionate.
Formula – C23H36O3
Androgenic: 24/40
Anabolic: 62/130

Men: Drostanolone is indicated to increase muscle mass, hardness and strength without water retention and estrogenic activity, as well as to increase the metabolic rate, which means an increase in the rate of fat burning.

Women: Drostanolone may be used secondarily in postmenopausal women with advanced, inoperable breast cancer.

Mesta (Drostanolone Propionate) by Imperial Pharma

Achieve Peak Muscle Definition with Premium Quality Mesta

Imperial Pharma introduces Mesta (Drostanolone Propionate) 10ml injectable, meticulously formulated for bodybuilders, athletes, and fitness enthusiasts aiming to enhance muscle definition, strength, and metabolic performance. With a strong commitment to quality, Imperial Pharma ensures that each vial of Mesta delivers precise dosing and maximum effectiveness.

Key Features:

  • Muscle Hardness and Definition: Mesta is ideal for increasing muscle mass, hardness, and strength without water retention, making it a top choice for cutting phases and achieving a lean, sculpted physique.
  • Fat-Burning Efficiency: Drostanolone Propionate boosts the metabolic rate, promoting increased fat loss while preserving muscle mass, essential for achieving a ripped appearance.
  • No Estrogenic Activity: Unlike other compounds, Mesta offers the advantage of muscle enhancement without the risk of estrogen-related side effects, such as water retention and gynecomastia.

Unique Selling Points:

  • Best Quality: Imperial Pharma’s commitment to excellence ensures that each 10ml vial of Mesta contains pure Drostanolone Propionate, offering 100mg per ml of active ingredient.
  • Superior Packaging: Our advanced packaging preserves the integrity and potency of the product, safeguarding it from contaminants and ensuring consistent results.
  • Precision Formula: Mesta is formulated with a precise androgenic to anabolic ratio (Androgenic: 24/40, Anabolic: 62/130), offering balanced performance enhancement.


  • For Men: Mesta is indicated for increasing muscle mass, hardness, and strength without water retention. It also enhances metabolic rate, facilitating fat burning while maintaining lean muscle.
  • For Women: Mesta may be used secondarily in postmenopausal women with advanced, inoperable breast cancer, offering a potential therapeutic option in such cases.

Usage Details:

  • Professional Guidance: Mesta injectable should be used only under the consultation and supervision of a healthcare professional to ensure safe and effective use.

Why Choose Imperial Pharma?

At Imperial Pharma, we understand the importance of achieving peak physical performance. Our premium Mesta (Drostanolone Propionate) 10ml injectable is designed to enhance muscle definition, strength, and fat loss while ensuring quality and precision in every dose. Trust in our commitment to excellence, and elevate your cutting phase with Imperial Pharma.

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